The past few weeks have been intense and productive—we have a lot of exciting news to share!

I had an incredibly positive meeting with Grace Meng, the Vice Chair of the DNC and the Congresswoman from the 6th District of New York which includes Flushing and Bayside, where my wife grew up. Grace is amazing! She is a true public servant and leader—and one of my new heroes. Grace invited us to DC to meet with members of Congress to talk about the issues of automation of labor, and introduced me to folks in New Hampshire who are putting together a gathering for me to meet the activist community there. New Hampshire is the first primary state and I’m eager to spend time there. I went to high school in New Hampshire for two years (boarding school, I know), and it will be good to return.

It was also another big media week. In addition to the NBC interview that will air soon, I did interviews with Vice, Entrepreneur and the World Journal (my parents’ favorite paper) and have interviews upcoming with CNN, MSNBC, Bloomberg, Vanity Fair, Business Insider and many others.


Friends and supporters have been filling the schedule with fundraisers and campaign events. If you’d like to attend or help out at one of these events, contact (note that most of these are fundraisers):

New York: March 13th, 14th, and 21st, and a talk at Columbia (where I attended law school) on March 26th
Philadelphia: March 22nd
San Francisco: March 28th and 29th

The community is growing

It’s an exciting time. But the most fun and invigorating part of the campaign is receiving messages like this one:

I came across your interview in the NYT a few weeks ago and was completely inspired. I rarely get a sense that our politicians are truly planning for the future or indeed even grasp the challenges of tomorrow.

So it was exceedingly refreshing to read your thoughts on what a UBI could bring to Americans as technology threatens to derail careers and lives across a variety of industries. UBI is such a powerful concept and opens the doors for more Americans to learn new skills, embrace entrepreneurship and chase dreams without fearing they won’t have food on the table.

This conversation needs to take place in the national political arena and I am so happy to support a candidate embracing creative approaches to the ills plaguing much of America today.

—Alex (a millennial)

In just a few weeks, our campaign has already struck a powerful chord with Americans from every walk of life. I’ve received notes and donations from ministers in D.C., professors in New Jersey, activists in Montana, engineers in California, sociologists in Missouri, homemakers in Massachusetts, and everyone in between. The potential and hunger is clear.

I received a note from an activist in Florida who asked, “Are you real?” Not ‘for real.’ Just ‘real.’

Where to go from here

We must make this campaign and our ideals and goals real to millions of our fellow citizens. We have to meet our potential.

As the campaign builds momentum, we have two main priorities: raising money at the grassroots level and becoming a household name. We need your help. Please do donate and share our policies. Let’s show people what is yet possible.

Yours gratefully,