December 31st is a crucial reporting deadline for the campaign.  We want to report a growing number of supporters each period – right now we are close but not quite there.

Please do make a contribution today and let the establishment know that this campaign has the people on its side.  Every bit helps – particularly if you are a new donor.

It is an invigorating thing to send an email to thousands of people and then actually have them take action in response.  Anytime you act it revs up both me and the team.  We remember when this campaign was getting started and our list was literally zero.  Now, our supporter base is in the tens of thousands and growing every day.

And we are just getting started.

Please make a donation by December 31st so you can be on the record.  And if you are near New York City for New Year’s Eve, we are having a party, and we’d love for you to join us.

Here’s to ending 2018 on a high note – and then making history in 2019.

Andrew Yang's Signature


P.S.  Seriously, December 31st is a reporting deadline and we need you to contribute now.  Thank you!!